Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Know Your Medicine Formula Type

Apart form of tablets or capsules, there are many forms and types of drug packaging. Variations of these forms make a difference in the way we use and sometimes the level of absorption in the intestine. What are the forms and types of drugs?

1. Tablet
In addition to easier storage, the tablet also usually have aged a longer life than other forms of medicine. Especially for vitamins in tablet form is usually also added to the carrier substance called excepting. These compounds makes the tablet more easily digested in the intestines. We have too many supplements in the form of easy to swallow tablets or commonly called a couplet.

2. Capsules
Several types of soluble vitamins, like vitamins A, D, and E, are generally packaged in soft gel capsules. As for other vitamins or minerals are made in powder or liquid form and packaged in capsules. Such as tablets, capsules can also be easily stored and consumed. Compared with tablets, capsules have few additives because it is relatively easy to absorb.

3. Powder
People who bit difficult to swallow the pill can take the drug in powder form and may be mixed in water or food. The dose is also more easily adjusted. Drug in powder form is also individualized, such as for patients who are allergic to certain ingredients. Usually the drug in powder form is more expensive than the tablets or capsules.

4. Liquid
The formula is a liquid medicine is not only easy to swallow but could also be given an additional taste. Most medicines for children formula made in this form. Several types of supplements (like vitamin E) are also made in liquid form for easier use on the skin. Eye drops or cough medicine is another type of liquid medicine.

5. Chewing
Several types of supplements and vitamins, are usually made in such form that easily chewed gum. Chewable formula is recommended for those taking the drug difficult pill or tablet form.

6. Tablet blotting
Several types of medications or supplements, such as vitamin B12, the form of tablets formulated soluble suction in the mouth. Aim to be more easily absorbed into the blood vessels without mixed with stomach acid or enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract.

1 comment:

  1. That's right, because every human being has the immune system and different activities.


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