Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A day off, Can That

Like a computer that periodically need to be defrag, so even with our minds and souls that must be arranged so that its performance remains stable. How? Take advantage of a day on the weekends to rest in order to achieve life balance.

Busyness and routine work from Monday-Friday, plus overtime at the weekend certainly exhausting and mind. After a long time this can lead to fatigue, both physical and psychological. Therefore we need to pause for a moment to escape from daily routine.

You can follow the advice of Prof.. Edward T. Creagen, MD, cancer specialist from Mayo Clinic, to make the day Sunday (or any other day at the end of work time) to rest and make it as a tactic to survive as a modern human.

You can arrange for a Sunday free from the things related to work. These included not touching email or phone call. Because if not, it means you just moved into the home office location.

Doing things fun for yourself, such as gardening, playing with children, or pamper yourself at the salon. Ensure that these activities do not increase your stress.

We enjoyed the holiday, take some time to contemplate, too. Apply a light meditation to restore balance of body and mind health. That way, after the holiday weekend, not just the brain and the body fresher, you also have a lot more energy to start the day. So no more syndrome "I hate Monday."

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