Sunday, July 19, 2009

Do not fat bud!!

As parents we should be cautious obesity (Obesity) in children. If the child's food consumption patterns are not controlled, while entering the 30-40 years age, most likely children will be suffering from coronary heart disease. In addition, with the form of the body it is usually felt low self.

To prevent the possibility of child obesity, you can start implementing the eating patterns and lifestyle changes as follows:

1. Do not give the award to the child with food. Food here is meant candy and snack can encourage children to love the candy and snack, remember that high sugar contents. Change attitudes to award both children, with honors, prizes such as books or money to put in savings.

2. Show what you submit. If you practice healthy habits, you will be much easier to convince the small things that make a healthy as well. Perform activities with a healthy, such as bicycle, swim, and play football. Not only children who are healthy, but also the entire family.

3. Push your child to do physical activities that she like. Remember, every child is unique, so there is a possibility he had to try a variety of physical activities to find where he is like. Avoid forcing the sport you want. If she was forced, then he will not do it in heels in love.

4. Limit the use of TV, video game and computer to play because it will reduce their physical activity. If the incoming calories exceed issued, the child can result in obesity.

5. Provide healthy snack, such as bread, fruit, or yogurts.

6. If your child likes the food that can make fat, do not provide direct prohibition. Enter any type of food in the dieting menu with a measure less for several weeks.

7. When you see a child eat something that is not healthy and can make a fat, do not live in a huff. If you only eat one-time, will not make them fat.

8. Introduce food-healthy food in the small. Children have the capacity to absorb new ideas quickly, so if you introduce healthy food to himself since early then the more likely he will love the healthy food

9. Push children to drink water when they are thirsty white compared with other types of beverages.

10. Their motivation to do sports regularly. Children Obesity sports require at least 30 minutes each day. If necessary, enter the children in sports clubs.

11. Limit your child drink juice. Juice may contain some vitamins, but the contents are only a few natural vitamins. While 100 percent juice is better than cokes, just keep the juice contains sugar high. Limit only 1-2 glasses a day only.

12. Make sure the child is sleeping. Research shows children who sleep less than 10 hours Obesity more risk than children who sleep with more than 12 hours. Lack of sleep result in a lack of leptin production in the body and increase production of ghrelin. In fact Leptin serves to stimulate metabolism and reduce hunger and ghrelin increase hunger.

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