Abortion continue to be the first since the debate. The debate does not get the point that this meeting resulted in the emergence of the pro-life understand that attempts to maintain life and pro-choice that supports that women have the option to perform abortion. Legal abortion is always a problem go "gray area" because until now still do not have laws that set a firm and sure about the abortion.
Perspective of life according to the group Freedom approach: sexual behavior and enjoy the optimal sexual behavior is not always followed by pregnancy. So, in case of unwanted pregnancies that will be considered as a complication of life. The group approach Living: pregnancy is not a complication of life, so that in case of unwanted pregnancies will still proceed. How attitude we solve this problem?
Abortion process
The process of abortion is an act to open the mouth of the womb by force, and removing the contents of the womb gradually. Abortion complications, consisting of two types, namely short-term complications and long-term. Short-term complications include bleeding, infection, and damage to the womb wall. While long-term complications, abortion is infertility (loss of fertility).
According to WHO data, 15-20% maternal mortality caused by infection due to abortion. Approximately 90% of the abortion is occurring due to an unwanted pregnancy, and most often the reason abortion is not yet ready to marry.
Pro-life groups consider abortion is a tragedy that fatal hidden. Be seen from the point of religion, abortion is clearly not allowed. Abortion policy politics of a country. According to Mahatma Gandhi, politics can become a means for the kind of life. A doctor should still keep up on medical ethics Primum non nocere - first, do not hurt.
Everyone has the right to determine the choice. Before making a decision on the options available, there should be aspects of the first consideration. If an action prohibited abortion in hard, without a clear explanation, and without a quality service, will cause the high maternal mortality.
Most of the reasons why abortion is unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, they usually experience pressure (stress), which is quite heavy so it will try all kinds of ways to shed the pregnancy. Ways that are often used to eat pineapple young, pole-vaulting, or enter the leaves into a vagina.
They are ways to do this as trapped in ignorance. If a doctor does not help by giving clear information, they will easily ask for help in any way anyone can shed pregnancy origin. So, the doctor should still accompany the patient until the patient is able to make their own decisions.
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