Monday, October 12, 2009

Anti Stress Foods

You have experienced stress? Of course the answer is yes. The disease is "new" has become a part of our society today. Especially for people who live in big cities included in the Metropolitan category. Various problems that cause stress can easily be found in these cities.

The solution? our hands often will grab an ice cream or a sweet candy to relieve stress immediately. But the result, of course, many people do not want to feel the effects arise because of the high sweet foods these calories. Maybe you do not believe, that was the best way to deal with stress is to help our brain to move more calm and patient.

Whatever mood that appears in you, there are a variety of healthy foods that can help us to deal with a situation that was the worst, without sacrificing (size) of our body

Feeling worried?
For example: You have to deal with an interview for a job long you want this afternoon!
Choose: grilled chicken sandwich at noon, cut margarine and mayonnaise
The reason: grilled chicken will provide good protein. 200 grams of protein will help your brain create dopamine and nor epinephrine, natural chemicals in the brain that will make you stay alert, according to Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., author of The Serotonin Power Diet

Restless, unable to sleep?
For example: tomorrow is the first day of work at the new office, you must be nervous right?
Select: Popcorn low-fat, half an hour before you sleep
The reason: Carbohydrates will make our bodies release serotonin, the chemical in the brain that will make you feel relaxed. "But make sure that the popcorn you enjoy free or low-fat, because fat will slow the process is the release of serotonin, so it will last longer in your body, and you'll be more relaxed," says Elizabeth Somer, RD

For example: There is a big problem at home that can not be completed
Select: Salmon or Sushi for dinner
The reason: When you are depressed, full of sweet foods with simple carbohydrates and sugar will increasingly make the condition called "sugar crush" where you'll increasingly looking for sweet foods, and this will continue to repeat until you have experienced depression will become deep. Well, in a study in Finland, found that people who eat fish will be better able to fight depression, and even 31% of those who ate fish just a little depressed!

Losing Confidence sudden?
For example: you suddenly nervous in front of your date!
Choose: A piece of chocolate (small yeah!)
The reason: Brown will help you lift your mood! Chocolate filled with anadamin, and feniletilamin, who helped work the nerves and will make you feel calmer and happier!

Confused? Must choose which one?
For example: Want to select courses outside the city, or in your town now?
Select: Breakfast with a piece of pineapple or oatmeal with berries
The reason: Antioxidants from fruits or vegetables with bright colors stronger helps fight free radicals that make your memories stay strong stick, "Because your brain absorbs a lot of oxygen, the antioxidants will help reduce brain damage due to oxidants available," so says Elizabeth Somer, RD Time and in the confusion, do not we have to think clearly with our brain?

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