Friday, October 9, 2009

"Touches" Between Father and Mother

Fathers and mothers play a major role in the lives of children. Each with excellence providing a positive influence on children as individuals to make independent and competent. Every parent brings a number of personal qualities and a variety of complex needs in its role as a parent.

Just as with children, parents also have a gender and a different temperament that contribute to the ways different in parenting. Moreover, parents take their past experiences and a number of cultural values that shape what they do today.

Although in general the role of father and mother together in improving child development, but the 'touch' that makes little difference.

Role of Father:
1. Foster feelings of confidence and competence in children through play activities are more "rough" and involves physical activity, both inside and outside the room.

Useful activities: a variety of physical activities, like sports together, play tag, swinging child, and so on.

2. Growing desire for achievement in children through the introduction of various types of work and the story of ideals.

Useful activities: taking him to the office, seeing how his father's work, discussing the idol figures / the works, and so on.

3. Teach about gender roles of men, how to act as a man, and what is expected by the social environment of man.

Beneficial activities: involving children in activities at home dad, like clean the yard, fixing broken furniture, provide protection to the whole household, and so on.

The father's role as mentioned above to some extent encourage children to open the door of success. Father encourages children to grow up independent, confident, achievement, aim high, and so on. (Papalia, Diane., Olds, Sally W., Feldman, Ruth D., Human Development, 11th Ed. USA: McGraw-Hill, 2008)

There was no specific difference in the effects of fatherhood on boys and girls. Both will absorb all the things that made his father as mentioned above. They learn, play, absorbing the spirit of the father so that positive things are expected in the growth can be realized.

Role of Mother:
1. Foster feelings of love and love to children through interaction involves a much more physical contact and affection.

Useful activities: providing caresses, hugs, and kisses love at the moments of togetherness with the child.

2. Growing language skills in children through the activities of storytelling and storytelling, as well as through the more intimate activities, ie talking to children.

Useful activities: invite children to talk, vent, read a bedtime story, and so on.

3. Teaches female gender roles, about how to act as a woman, and what is expected by the social environment of a woman.

Beneficial activities: involving children in activities at home mom, help shopping, cooking, taking care of younger brother, and so on.

Same with my father, there is no specific difference in the role of mother to child male or female. All feelings of love and affection the mother will be absorbed by the child. They will learn how to be a woman, see / treat women, sharing love and affection.

Both father and mother, both vital role in the development of the child are optimal. Both must work together and complement each other. It may be that fathers have a limited time, but that's no excuse for not paying attention to the child.

Now, in order to replace the role of the father, then the example becomes the main thing. Through exemplary attitude, the children can make identifying him as a model. Without a model, whatever value you want to invest will only be in vain. I love you, Daddy.

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