Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Solutions for Children with overweight (1)

Obesity is happening to children today has become a scourge to society. It is estimated that by 2020, children were obese at age 7 years to 15 years reached 65 percent. Do not allow children to excess weight quickly find a solution.

Not that children eat less direct, ask for more movement and physical activity becomes more effective than just cutting his food ration. Do not despair handle child obesity because it for the future of health.

Many things that also affect a child grow up to be obese. The factors that influence it is a mistake in choosing food for children's consumption because it contains high trans fats, lack of physical activity, parents who have excess weight and the genetic factors that influence.

Child obesity is said if you lose weight 40 percent higher than the ideal weight and overweight if their weight is higher than 20 percent of ideal body weight.f a child is born with weight above the average, the percentage of the obese is 45 percent or even well into adulthood obesity. Depending on how the handling since the age of the children.

If less physical activity and eating are not controlled, such as only watch TV or play games only a child could be obese, even when birth weight is not excessive.
In addition to physical activity, food very influential factor.

Currently people tend to want things that are practical, so often eat fast food and instant. These foods usually contain trans fats (trans fat) is high and it can cause a person to experience obesity.

Trans fat causes obesity but can also bind minerals consumed by the child, so that obese children often have mineral deficiencies in the body.

Obesity can cause problems for the child such as lower self-confidence, triggering diabetes, liver problems, respiratory disorders and sleep disorders and may have cholesterol and high blood pressure. While social issues arising is to lower self-esteem, so ridicule, can trigger depression and anorexia and bulimia problem.


  1. Using bodyweight can enrich a powerful and lean athletic physiques. Eating the right amount of foods can boost the immune system making it stable and healthy.
    Fat Loss Facts

  2. Besides providing food in appropriate amounts, children also need to be given the opportunity for outdoor activities to spend their energy


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