Thursday, October 8, 2009

Childhood trauma may Shortening the Ages

Trauma that occurs when a child could have carried up to adulthood or throughout his life. A study found children who experienced childhood
trauma has 20 years of age who are shorter.

Recent research conducted by the center of disease control and prevention of the U.S. (CDC) showed that children who experienced 6 times or more events, including emotional trauma, physical or sexual violence have an average age of 19 years shorter than children who did not experience trauma.
"Stress is experienced by a continuous will tend to accumulate in a person's life that affect how to grow, think and control the emotions of the person," said Dr. Robert you, who do investigations in the study of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) at the CDC, as quoted from ABC News, Thursday (8/10/2009).

Based on the observations made, the resulting stress will give a negative effect on brain development and function of some organs, leading to premature death.

To conduct this study involving more than 17,000 people are accompanied by medical records and his behavior during the years 1995 to 1997. Then in 2006 researchers look back on those who still survive. Researchers found those who received 6 or more events that are less well during his life have an average age of 60 years while that can not live until the age of 79 years.

You add the children who experience trauma are likely to take the risk factors that can aggravate health such as smoking, consuming alcohol, use of drugs, obesity or lack of physical activity.

Stress experienced during childhood trigger the body to produce adrenaline and cortisol excess. Adrenaline can interfere with brain growth, while cortisol cause other problems.

"If the high dose, or occurs repeatedly may disrupt the growth of nerve cells that disrupt the function of organs in the body and also affects the immune system," he added.

Children usually easier to remember something, so that children who experience trauma will give the effect of long and deep. But every person has a body resilience different. The difference is related to temperament (character), responses to other people and people around like friends and family.

The younger the person experiencing the trauma, it will be more vulnerable to the effects of the trauma itself. So the little children who experienced trauma can have profound effects long if not immediately treated.

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